Saturday, January 13, 2007

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service is a terms in the IT industry that difficult to definition. It's a model of software delivery where the software company provides maintenance, daily technical operation, and support for the software provided to their client.

So, It should be like a Application Service Provider (ASP), right? I don't know.

SaaS has been stretched this way and that as vendors compete to make marketing capital out their use of it. As the model evolves, some vendors on the leading edge are trying to redefine SaaS more narrowly in order to exclude their more laggardly brethren, but the tactic is doomed to failure. The more exclusive they try and make the bandwagon, the more appealing it becomes for others to leap onboard.

Phil Wainewright explain to the meaning of SaaS at ZDNet. (follow by below link)

Seeking the true meaning of SaaS by ZDNet's Phil Wainewright -- The key to making sense of SaaS is understanding the process of transformation that software goes through once you move it off the customer's premises and host it in the cloud.

finding more information about software-as-a-service at wikipidia

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